Friday, February 24, 2012

Have an offer for free rooms at either or and was wondering what were the pros and cons of staying at each place. Not just talking about quality of rooms, but things like atmosphere, type of crowd (ex. couples vs. bachelor parties) things like that.

For what it's worth, I'm a single guy in my mid 30's. May have 1-2 other guy friends going. Not really into hard core clubbing and such but WOULD be open to meeting women (say late 20's/early 30's)

Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!|||This is rapidly becoming one of my favorite places to go when we go to the Strip There are TONS OF HOT GIRLS HERE OMFG YOU WILL GO NUTS. Here's why:

- The vibe. The place attracts a younger crowd that has a lot of energy.

- Bars & Lounges. They have a wide variety of bars and lounges. On a recent visit we spent some time at the Heart Bar....a DJ was playing and the drinks were reasonable....$8 for a glass of Wine.

- Miracle Mile Shopping mall. This mall is pretty cool with some unique shops and dining options. The Earl of Sandwich is at the South end of the of my favorite Sandwich shops in town.

- Restaurants. From cheap, food court type food to nice sit-down restaurants, there is something for everyone here. One of the highlights is Pink's from Los Angeles which is known for their Hot Dogs.

- Easy access to the Strip. The distance between the property and the Strip is short, making it easy to get to/from the Strip.

There are a few negatives to the place. Rooms decoration are very cheesy which star trek pictures of captain kirk. I was like WTF
The parking situation sucks. The parking garage is at the rear of the property and the walk to the casino is pretty far. Valet parking is underground and is also a big pain the ***. This is a function of very poor design which has plagued this hotel since they opened. The layout of the casino floor is very's difficult to figure out where you are located and how to get around. The pool was a nightmare on it's own. If you are not there at the crack of dawn to grab a seat, you're screwed. Oh, and the best part? It's hot as all hell outside but when you dip your toes in the pool, it's like you are about to jump into the arctic sea. The water in the pool is just BEYOND freezing, even on a hot summer day, it was just painful to sit in the pool.|||PH has the younger set attitude though Paris is very nice. Regardless where you sleep, you can enjoy the vibe/fun at any casino hotel/club|||if your in your 30's Planet Hollywood is probably the better bet. Paris attracts a little older crowd very laid back and more of a couples scene.

  • pro comp
  • round table pizza menu
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